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What We Keep


The passing of a loved one is a life moment everyone is forced to face and walk through in their own way. A person dies and items of their existence remain. This process is often emotionally and physically overwhelming and taxing. There may be cumbersome items as well as very minuscule things. Some may even have an element of an obscure nature like a set of false teeth.

How and what do we choose to keep? 

Do we keep something as a way to hold on to the person that left us?

Is there an emotion that is triggered just by seeing or touching it? 

Is it valuable or something trivial that has an attached memory that only we can relate to?

Does something remind us of the home we once knew that no longer exists? A homesickness feeling may be eased by its presence?

Is there a guilt or regret in letting things go or a feeling of obligation?

Do we hope that we can pass on these obtained pieces of our heritage as a bridge from past to present to

preserve family legacy to those who follow? Is it a way to not only say that your loved one existed but that you

too existed as well?

People say ‘these are just things’ and yes they are but a person you loved put meaning to them.

I am not one to judge or help in this matter as I kept the teeth.

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© Dale Niles

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